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Plastifying cards

Page: Guide.PlastifyPage5 - Last Modified : Tue, 23 Jun 09 - 2836 Visits

Cards to plastify
Measure your plastic
Place your marks
Draw your cut lines
Cut your sheet
Peel and stick your cards
Continue to stick your cards
Turn around and press with a cloth
Press with a bone folder
Take measure for the back
Peel the plastic and stick the cards back
Press with a cloth while peeling the plastic
Let it rest
Cut strips of cards
Card strips
Cut each card
Cut around the cards
Plastified cards.

This technique is almost the same as for the reference sheet, the difference is that I am plastifying a large chunk of cards at the same time. I generally like to use this technique when the cards are thick. Which mean cards that does not collectible card game thickness. Here is the material you will need:

  • Scissors
  • Book Plastic
  • Cloth
  • Bone Folder
  • Ruler
  • Pen
  1. Take measurements: Measure the plastic you need to cover your cards. Generally, you want to create various sheets which are not too big because since you are going to do both sides before cutting. Sheets of plastic are easier to manipulate. I generally round all my measure to 1/4 of an inch. Make sure there will be space around each card.
  2. Draw your line: Draw you cutting lines by marking both sides of the line and then draw your line.
  3. Cut your plastic: Cut your sheet of plastic along your drawn line.
  4. Peel the plastic: Peel one side of the sheet and start sticking the cards. Then peel more plastic and stick another column of cards. Continue until the sheet is full. You need to leave some plastic space all around the cards.
  5. Press with a cloth: Turn the sheet around and use a cloth to press over all the cards.
  6. Press with a bone folder: Then use a bone folder to press the plastic correctly on the cards.
  7. Measure: Measure up another sheet of plastic for the back of the cards. This time you are going to stick all the cards together.
  8. Peel and stick: Peel on side of the sheet. Align the sheet of cards with the plastic sheet. When everything seems to fit, stick one side of the sheet to the cards.
  9. Peel and press: Turn the sheet around and use a cloth to press on the cards you stuck. Then peel some plastic and continue to press with your cloth doing a left-right movement. Continue until all the plastic is stuck to the back of your cards.
  10. Press with a bone folder: Press the back of the cards with a bone folder.
  11. Let it rest: Let the cards rest for at least 3 hours. Generally, I wait a whole day. If the plastic does not stick well, use a press. In the picture on the side, I plastified another set of card the previous day and I am going to cut it now.
  12. Cut strips of cards: I generally cut strips of card by cutting 1 side of all the cards in the strip. It makes 1 cut less to do. Strips are generally easier to work with.
  13. Cut individual cards: Then you can cut each card separately by cutting around a card with a pair of scissors. I generally do 1 big cut all around the cards. So I never cut right through, I cut up to the tip of the card, then rotate the card and continue cutting. You can also use and Exacto knife if you want. Use the technique that you like the most.

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