A board game designer's web site

 Copyright Eric Pietrocupo

E-Mail: ericp[AT]lariennalibrary.com

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Game Design Knowledge

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New Stuff

Page: Main.NewStuff - Last Modified : Sat, 11 Mar 17 - 6073 Visits

This page tries to list all the new stuff that has been added to this site. It list various contents of the web side according to the date of the page. It's an easy way to know "what's up" in a glance.

Latest News

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Latest Releases

Scarab Lords: Action Point variant1.0 + 1.1VariantMarch 11th, 2017
Eldritch Express1.1GameMay 21st, 2016
Eldritch Express1.0GameDecember 7th, 2015

Complete list can be found here

Newest Board Game Ideas

Rats Craft : Home Invasion (2022-03-08)

A parody of the Star Craft video game and board game where you control a band of rats that infest an house while their inhabitant are in vacation. Players will have to learn sharing the space and resources else war will be the only solution. Mean while the house cat is determined to defend the house by controlling the corridor. Other cat reinforcement are on the way.

One Corp, to rule them all (2021-01-12)

A solitaire or 2 player financial game where players needs to make the largest corporation by acquiring and fusion companies

Spell Wards: Rival Sorcerers (2022-02-07)

A master of magic micro game where each players use a deck of 18 cards to manage his city and covenant while trying to eliminate the opposing rival wizard in the same area.

Latest Board Game Ideas modifications

Console Wars (2024-09-13)

Each player is a company that design and produce video game and consoles. The idea is to publish games and reseach new technology to design the best console.

Eldritch Express (2024-05-31)

An eldritch Horror dice game that plays in an hour

Shadow: Spirit of the ninja (2022-10-21)

A cooperative ninja game where players attacks a location and try to fulfill their missions. The game focus more on the strategic aspect rather than the tactical aspect (How do I kill this guy)

Newest Board Game Variant

W1815: No selection of unit twice in a row (2022-01-08)

Prevent selecting the same unit twice in a row to avoid dominant strategies.

Cleaopatra: Fixed bidding denomination (2018-07-24)

summary of the variant

Mahjong: Mahjong Rummy (2018-04-15)

Use the Mahjong tileset to play a game similar to rummy.

Newest Board Game Material

Viktory 2: Alternate Reference Sheet (2012-11-22)

Custom reference sheet designed to include a selection of official and personal variants.

Arkham Horror: Scenario from Fantasy Flight Games (2010-07-13)

This is the scenario cards found on the FFG web site that has been re-organised on three 8x11 pages to be easier to print.

Puerto Rico: French translation reference <Référence de traduction fançaise> (2010-07-13)

Some reference sheet of the roles and buildings to help french speaking people play the game in english. <Des feuilles de références des rôles et des bâtiments pour aider les francophones à jouer le jeu en anglais>

Game Design Knowledge

Newest Game design Article

How to make video strategy games feel like board games (2017-03-20)

A series of restrictions to apply to strategy video games to make them feel more like board games and avoid the many pitfalls of strategy video games.

Differences between Board Game and Video Game design (2017-03-20)

Briefly explain the main differences between desiging board games versus turn based strategy video games

The four 'S': Small, Simple, Short, Social (2016-12-22)

This are article explain 4 important aspect that should be considered when making a board game. Else it would be more appropriate to use another medium than board games.

Newest Game design Material

Probability Tables (2010-07-13)

This is a series of pre-calculated probability table I made for one of my game

Board game design material (2013-12-15)

Newest Book Summaries

The Game Inventor's Guidebook (2013-04-04)

This book focus on the publishing aspect of board games. It talks about how the industry works and how to approach publishers.

Gamestorming: A playbook for innovators, Rulebreakers and Changemakers (2011-03-29)

This is a book about a new type of brainstorming called Gamestorming. It has nothing related to game design, but could be used for game design.

The art of game design: A book of lenses (2011-03-29)

An excellent book that explain the various concepts of game design. The author has more experience in video game design but still all the concepts he explains can be applied to board game design


Newest Guide Page

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