A board game designer's web site

 Copyright Eric Pietrocupo

E-Mail: ericp[AT]lariennalibrary.com

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My Board Games

Board Game Material

Page: Material.Material - Last Modified : Sun, 15 Dec 13 - 667 Visits

This is where I place any material for a board game that has already being published. Material includes reference sheets, translation reference, Homemade editions, etc.

Material List

Arkham Horror: Scenario from Fantasy Flight Games

This is the scenario cards found on the FFG web site that has been re-organised on three 8x11 pages to be easier to print.

Liar's Dice: Homemade edition

This is a do it yourself liar's dice game. You only need to add dices.

Puerto Rico: French translation reference <Référence de traduction fançaise>

Some reference sheet of the roles and buildings to help french speaking people play the game in english. <Des feuilles de références des rôles et des bâtiments pour aider les francophones à jouer le jeu en anglais>

Settlers of Catan <Colons de Catan>: French translation reference <Référence de traduction fançaise>

Some reference sheet to help french speaking people play the game in english. <Des feuilles de références pour aider les francophones à jouer le jeu en anglais>

The Big Idea: paper money

If you feel monolopy money is too cheap, you can print this play money.

Viktory 2: Alternate Reference Sheet

Custom reference sheet designed to include a selection of official and personal variants.

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