A board game designer's web site

 Copyright Eric Pietrocupo

E-Mail: ericp[AT]lariennalibrary.com

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Page: Main.PopularPages - Last Modified : Mon, 30 Jul 18 - 4020 Visits

This list of pages that either received the most visits or that are the best rated users. Unfortunately, there does not seem to be a way to list pages by number of visits, so until I find a way, I have to do it manually. This page is more useful for me because it allow me to know people interests. But having to do it manually might be too long for what it's worth.

Top 20 rated game ideas

Hacker Express (modified on 2020-01-27) 5 stars

An attempt to make an express dice game out of Steve Jackson's board game Hacker.

Dragon Realm (modified on 2020-01-27) 5 stars

Players control a family of dragon that wishes to conquer the kingdoms of the land.

Three Kingdoms: The art of war (modified on 2020-01-26) 5 stars

This game would be a board game version of the famous romance of the 3 kingdoms historical period. The game will also try to add many of the concepts found in the "Art of war" manual.

Spell Wards: Rival Sorcerers (modified on 2022-02-07) 5 stars

A master of magic micro game where each players use a deck of 18 cards to manage his city and covenant while trying to eliminate the opposing rival wizard in the same area.

Orion (not the official title) (modified on 2020-01-27) 5 stars

An epic space conquest game where each player plays a race that wants to control the galaxy.

Console Wars (modified on 2024-09-13) 5 stars

Each player is a company that design and produce video game and consoles. The idea is to publish games and reseach new technology to design the best console.

Big trouble in Japan (modified on 2020-01-27) 4.5 stars

A game where you fight for control of japan, in a very unusual way, through the ancient, modern and high tech age. New ideas consist in making this a civilization game that occurs only in Japan.

Shadow: Spirit of the ninja (modified on 2022-10-21) 4.5 stars

A cooperative ninja game where players attacks a location and try to fulfill their missions. The game focus more on the strategic aspect rather than the tactical aspect (How do I kill this guy)

Dracula's Castle or Nightmare Hunter (modified on 2022-02-07) 4.5 stars

Each player plays a character who needs to find or do something in dracula's castle. Dracula, which is played by a player, might not like it which could force the player to hunt down Dracula.

War of steel (modified on 2020-01-27) 4 stars

A fictional war game that combines ideas from the first and second world war with science fiction. The basic idea is that you follow the evolution of you country, in a world war theme, and you try to make the best out of it.

EricIan (modified on 2022-02-07) 4 stars

A game of modern warfare where each player controls a series of units and tries to capture cities on the board

Castle Siege (modified on 2020-01-27) 4 stars

A game where you siege a castle, one player is the defender and the other one is the attacker. Players have access to various kinds of units and castle layout to spice things up

War Mecha (modified on 2020-01-27) 4 stars

A tactical mecha battlefield game that use a deck of cards as character sheet.

Another 19th Century Train Game (modified on 2020-01-27) 4 stars

This game could be summarised as 18XX meets Puerto Rico.

Spellcraft: Rise of the Sorcerers (modified on 2020-01-27) 4 stars

An epic, civilization like, game where you play a powerful wizard that wants to control the world. The primary objective is to remake Master of Magic as a board game.

Pocket Fairy: Adventures in Fairy Land (modified on 2020-01-27) 4 stars

An adventure game where players play a fairy. Various adventures can be played with the same game and players can create their own.

Eldritch Express (modified on 2024-05-31) 4 stars

An eldritch Horror dice game that plays in an hour

Pacific Storm (the title might change) (modified on 2020-11-07) 3.5 stars

The idea behind this game is to create a simple Pacific World War 2 game that would recreate the feeling of the war's strategy. Perfect simulation is not an objective for this game, playability is more important.

Double 0 Agent (modified on 2020-01-27) 3 stars

A player is playing a secret agent that want to stop the plans of the bad guy. Meanwhile, our agent meet other characters, played by other players, which could be double agents, bad guy's minions or totally neutral to the conflict. But if our agent gets into trouble, he always have some secret gadgets to save himself.

Sub Attack (modified on 2020-01-27) 3 stars

A simple submarine game where a player hunt the ships of another player's fleet.

Top 10 visited design articles

Note that older articles are more likely to get more views. Still some newer articles successfully exceeded older articles.

Last update: July 29th, 2018

Playing with Numbers12121 Visits
Triangular theory of board game design6486 Visits
Christopher Alexander and Board Game Design4094 Visits
Game design compared to a dream3951 Visits
Hourglass Design vs. Abstraction design3151 Visits
Imagination, the psychology behind Board Games2928 Visits
Using mechanics that reflects reality, the problem with auctions2622 Visits
Each game elements should have at least 2 functions2342 Visits
Card Game special abilities2224 Visits
Print and Play publishing: Stats and advices2050 Visits

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