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A board game designer's web site
Copyright Eric Pietrocupo
E-Mail: ericp[AT]lariennalibrary.com
Latest Version: 1.0
Release Date: April 18th, 2012
Board Game Geek Link: http://www.boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/17526/hecatomb
The original game.
The problem with the original game is that it's not that fun to play because it ends too fast. I designed a very simple variant that creates almost no rule conflict and that makes the game last longer and prevent run away leaders from quick reaps at the beginning of the game.
Hecatomb is a game where you should have the time to build up you army and the rule below does that.
Each player starts with 0 soul. That's it.
Now it takes a minimum of 10 turns before there is enough soul in play for a player to win instead of 5.
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