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A board game designer's web site
Copyright Eric Pietrocupo
E-Mail: ericp[AT]lariennalibrary.com
It's time for a news update
Good news, I have heard that the game crafters now have 8"x8" boards. Which opens the possibility to distribute Fallen Kingdoms using game crafters. I'll see the components available and if I can make them all fit incluing the final price. I will also have to look for some artist willing to make the god and rumor cards art. In that case, the free version will have no art and the game crafter version will have royalties paid to the artist. Else I could try doing my own art, but since I have little practive and it is mostly about painting people, unless I find a special painting style that fits, for me, I really doubt I would be able to do some art.
I decided to integrate a new feature to my web site which unfortunately ask more work from me but that is actually useful for me too. I decided to link threads I post on BGG and BGDF in the projects related to it when it applies. So if I ask about a mechanic for a game in particular, a thread link will be added to that game's page.
I managed to search through the 2013 archive and link the threads to their games. Unfortunately, since its a very long and painful task to do, I decided not to dig up further. I might do it since I probably made a lot of interesting threads in 2012 and maybe 2011 for certain games. At least, new threads will be linked when created in the future. It will demand more, but I think it's worth it because it is some kind of design notes I make with feeback from the user and most of the time, I need to dig back in those dicussions.
I don't want to be too positive about it but I think this game idea will progress faster due to the nature of the gmae (LCG). I am currently working on an ability catalog and desiging cards at the same time. After my first prototype is complete and the test are done, the game might be already playable with real players. The reason why is that because it has been inspired by duel masters, a lot of mechanics has been resused and a lot of mechanics could be tested already with DM cards. So when I'll have a real prototype and test the real things, if there is little issues with the core rules, the only thing left to test are the card abilities and the balance of the game since the rules themselves are pretty thin.
So that will be weird because I might be able to release a prototype really soon. Also it will be more a kind of game where you test as you expand the game rather than test all the mechanics. So I don't want to be too optimistic, but there might be a playable prototype in the first half of next year. Also Thobias and I decided to join force to support each other in our card game design while desigining 2 different games. So in the end, both our games will have a lot in common while still beign 2 different games.
I have also a lot of learning to do with the MTG editor to create a template for my game.
As some of you know, at the beginning of the year, I will change again my priorities for my active game design project. So let's do it the "Rats Academie" way: Lets put all my game in danger and determine who will survive:
The contestant:
Spellcraft: Rise of the sorcerer: Recent ideas made the game somewhat unlocked itself by using the idea to make a solo game like starcraft invasion. Will I try again to make this game flourish or pass for something more "Stable".
Rats Craft: It was in fury at the beginning of the year and falled flat for the whole year with little development. How come! lack of interest, Lot of design work. Who knows if it will stay there for next year, in theory all the mechanics are there, but something prevent me to be in the mood to work on it.
Pacific Storm: Again, additional developments were made for the order of play and intelligence system. The progress made this year was minimal but in the right direction. Most of the element seems to be there, so the game could be playable, but did not really have the time for it, will I put more time next year.
Dracula's Castle: Even if I wanted to have a different game to change my mind, little progress has been done with this game, even with it's amazing theme. Lot of problems regarding how the map should be designed, what part of the map should it cover, etc. Will this game get replaced by a new adventure game?
Spellcraft DCG: Very good progress were made so far and I will soon have a playable prototype, but who know if something terrible happen and bring down the whole game. Only the last month of the stretch will determine if theis game stays in or not.
So this is it. So place your bets (^_^), even I don't know the answer ... seriously.
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