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A board game designer's web site
Copyright Eric Pietrocupo
E-Mail: ericp[AT]lariennalibrary.com
It has been 1 year since fallen kingdoms has been published. In order to increase the sales, the price has been considerably dropped. It will now be hooked to the demand of the game. If the demand raise (if there is more sales) the price will raise, if the demand drops, the price will follow. Of course, there will be limits for the price fluctuation.
Since primary goal is not to make money, I would rather want to see more people play my game. If dropping the price can do the job, I would be pretty happy. Lower price could mean selling more copies which in the end means more profit than selling it at a higher price. I'll try this new strategy and see the results. I need to sales stats and experience to determine the best marketing strategy for the other games I might publish later.
About the other games I have worked on recently, I worked a bit in the WW2 pacific game, I found a wonderful website with many historical information. But a more important event has arrived lately, the eclipse board game rule draft has been released. I had a chance to take a look at the rules and it was very interesting.
Since eclipse is an adaptation of Master of Orion, while I am working on a adaptation of Master of Magic, I wound many great ideas in eclipse that could be implemented in my master of magic game. Many elements which were locked without solution has now been unlocked. I might be almost capable of building the core system, which could not be done in the last 5 years.
So if this game unlocks and progress pretty well, it could be the next game that I will publish. This is the game of my dream, if I could publish only 1 game, it would be that game. And if there is many space for improvement after the release, a second edition will me made (like for Twilight Imperium).
If you want more details about the recent development, you can see all the details here:
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