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A board game designer's web site
Copyright Eric Pietrocupo
E-Mail: ericp[AT]lariennalibrary.com
I tried lately to work on many new ideas and I always had problem making them start. I have been thinking if I could try to work differently to make things progress more efficiently. I decided to try something new.
The problem with creative work is that you need some sort of motivation to make things progress. It's like sailing a ship, you can sail with no winds, but when there is wind, you sail much more faster. My objective is to always have the wind in my sails.
When you get new ideas for a game, you wanted to test it. After the play test, it would probably not have worked well so you will need to make changes. Sometimes you know the changes you need to make, but when you are in early design, the solution might be located outside your vision range. So what happens is that the motivation drops and it becomes harder to work on the project.
My solution is to jump from a project to another to make sure I am always on a ship with wind in it's sail. This way, I make sure that the time I spend sailing will always be done at the full speed. So I will not feel like losing my time and I'll have the illusion that many of my projects are progressing.
Still, implies more organization. Because even if I take notes about everything, not all games idea have a complete rule set written, and most of the time, I need to re-read all my notes which takes some of my time.
So I intend to create some sort of developers log where I could list briefly the new ideas and the problems that prevented the game from evolving. This will make it easier for me to trace back what happened without having to read through all my notes.
After thinking, I thoughts that it could be a good idea to place these logs directly on the web, so that everybody could have some feedback on the development of a game. It will also allow me to see those logs without having access to my computer and finally would make it easier to trace back the history of the game development.
So in the months to follow, I will be working on many, many different games and I will start logging the important new ideas and problems that occurred during the development of my games.
I hope it will give interesting results.
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