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 Copyright Eric Pietrocupo

E-Mail: ericp[AT]lariennalibrary.com

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News: Fallen Kingdoms: Super sale at 50% off

Page: News.News201011120942AM - Last Modified : Fri, 12 Nov 10 - 1841 Visits

There will be a super sale on the game Fallen kingdoms which will be sold at 50% off, which means 5$. The sale will last from november 25th to january 1st. If you were thinking about buying the game, now it the time, because a sale like that will not happen again soon.

The general idea of this sale is that I should have made a sale like that during the release of the game to attract more people in the game. So I am catching up my error and make the sale 6 months later during winter.

Meanwhile, I will also move my website on the new server which will give access to the game's information to more people.

Finally, My game will probably also be sold by the new Print and Play web site www.gamesinprint.com. After sending my game to the owner of the site, he was really impressed by my game and intends to publish it.

So in the end, I can only hope that my game will get more popular.

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