@import url(http://bgd.lariennalibrary.com/pub/skins/sinorca/basic.css); @import url(http://bgd.lariennalibrary.com/pub/skins/sinorca/layout.css); @import url(http://bgd.lariennalibrary.com/pub/skins/sinorca/sinorca.css);
A board game designer's web site
Copyright Eric Pietrocupo
E-Mail: ericp[AT]lariennalibrary.com
I have just realized recently that the server where I am currently hosting this website cannot currently be seen outside Quebec and Ontario. This is really not a good thing for me who want to reach a broader audience.
Now one of my friend currently have a paid for web hosting and he is not using it at his full potential. He could allow me to host my sites on his site. I would only need to pay for my own domain name.
If I actually agree to his proposition, that would imply many good and bad things.
So on the long term, there would be a lot of advantages to gain from this. The structure of the web site will change. Larienna's library will now become the core of all my websites. This well site will be labeled as "board games and game design" which is part of "larienna's library".
I have a small list of projects that I might eventually implement.
So this is the ideas I have so far. You could probably expect some changes in the future.
I hope you enjoy the results.
Powered by PmWiki and the Sinorca skin