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News: Fallen kingdoms print out pictures

Page: News.News201005220848PM - Last Modified : Sun, 23 May 10 - 1881 Visits

I printed all my components in color, except the cover, and I have taken pictures of it. You can now see exactly what you would get if you buy the game. The pictures are available in the picture section of the fallen kingdoms site.

The only thing I need to do is to finish the cover. I tried various attempts so far and gathered comments from people. You can see the cover pictures on BGDF.

Mark 1 http://www.bgdf.com/node/3231

Mark 2 http://www.bgdf.com/node/3243

Mark 3 http://www.bgdf.com/node/3258

There is even a BGDF user that tried making a cover of his own http://www.bgdf.com/node/3247

Anyways, well see how it will end.

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