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A board game designer's web site
Copyright Eric Pietrocupo
E-Mail: ericp[AT]lariennalibrary.com
I have just uploaded samples of the graphics of almost all the components in my game. You can now have an idea of how the final product will look like. I am trying to make a version of the game that will print in both color and black and white. There is a few things missing like for example some buildings and the map. I will eventually add these when they are available.
I made a playtest will real players recently and the results are interesting. We found a few bugs that were corrected. I expect to play again the game with designers at the end of the month. The demo will be updated again once the game is completely finished.
If everything goes well, the graphic design would be finished by the end of the month. The only thing left would be to reformat the rules of the game in a software like Scribus, instead of a Word document, to make it more attractive and include some illustrations.
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